Purpose Driven Prayer
Is prayer an integral part of your life? Prayer should be one of the most defining characteristics of us as Christians. We should strive to be known by our willingness to pray, no matter the time, the place, or the circumstances. Prayer for many of us has become something we just do, another task amongst the myriad of demands on our busy lives. I have been guilty of not praying as often and as earnestly as I should, and it is something that I'm still working to improve upon. Once I was under the impression that prayer was only formal, I've realized that it can be less formal and more personable. Don't get me wrong; there still has to be a sense of reverence, because when we pray, we are entering the Holy of Holies and ultimately inviting the Presence of God to fall upon us as we seek His face. That said, it comes back to that personal relationship that He wants to have with us as His children. Formal prayer still has a place and is always pleasing to our Father in heave...