Laying Your Life Down
Take a moment to contemplate...who would you take a bullet for?
My reaction to this question is to name those that I love the most, my wife, my children, my dad and mom, my siblings, etc. As you thought about this question, you could most likely see the faces of those who mean the most to you, as I could also see the faces of those closest to me. Let's take this further, could you imagine not only thinking of the ones you love but also including people that irritate you and get on your very last nerve? I mean, the ones that you would rather hug a cactus than hear their voice calling your name. Don't act like you don't know what I'm saying, because we all have people in our lives that we feel we could do without. Now let's take this even further, how would you feel if this is how Jesus perceived us? As just another whiny baby looking for a pacifier, not considering how Jesus feels when we approach His throne in this manner.
Jesus took the proverbial bullet for us on the Cross at Calvary. He laid His life down for all of humanity, seeing each of our faces, never once forsaking a single soul, no matter our sins. He prayed that His Father's will be done and humbly accepted His role as our Savior, and that is something we did not deserve and will never be able to repay. He did this for us in Love, so we might have a chance to turn from our wicked ways and eventually go to be with Him in Heaven for all eternity.
Jesus is merciful and compassionate when it comes to His children (this includes all of us, saved or lost). He does not turn a deaf ear to the cries of His people, even if we hold on to our faults, our burdens we feel we must carry alone, our guilt, our lustful nature, our judgmental attitudes, our pride, our greed, etc. He peels all of that back and sees us for who He created us to be. He looks at our potential and presses our hearts with a desire that can only be fulfilled by that ever so lacking personal relationship that He desperately longs to have with each of us!
A few years ago, while working on a farm, one of my duties was to tend to a couple of goats that were strategically tied in certain areas. If anyone reading this has ever had goats, then you know that a "goat on a rope" is a mess waiting to happen, for they will find every way imaginable to tie themselves up. This one particular goat always found a way to tie herself up on a daily or even hourly basis. One morning I came into work to see her so tied up that she couldn't even lift her head off the ground. I said to myself, "you stupid goat" and commenced trying to untie her, but with every effort, I made to free her from this bondage, she fought me to no end.
My reaction to this question is to name those that I love the most, my wife, my children, my dad and mom, my siblings, etc. As you thought about this question, you could most likely see the faces of those who mean the most to you, as I could also see the faces of those closest to me. Let's take this further, could you imagine not only thinking of the ones you love but also including people that irritate you and get on your very last nerve? I mean, the ones that you would rather hug a cactus than hear their voice calling your name. Don't act like you don't know what I'm saying, because we all have people in our lives that we feel we could do without. Now let's take this even further, how would you feel if this is how Jesus perceived us? As just another whiny baby looking for a pacifier, not considering how Jesus feels when we approach His throne in this manner.
Jesus took the proverbial bullet for us on the Cross at Calvary. He laid His life down for all of humanity, seeing each of our faces, never once forsaking a single soul, no matter our sins. He prayed that His Father's will be done and humbly accepted His role as our Savior, and that is something we did not deserve and will never be able to repay. He did this for us in Love, so we might have a chance to turn from our wicked ways and eventually go to be with Him in Heaven for all eternity.
Jesus is merciful and compassionate when it comes to His children (this includes all of us, saved or lost). He does not turn a deaf ear to the cries of His people, even if we hold on to our faults, our burdens we feel we must carry alone, our guilt, our lustful nature, our judgmental attitudes, our pride, our greed, etc. He peels all of that back and sees us for who He created us to be. He looks at our potential and presses our hearts with a desire that can only be fulfilled by that ever so lacking personal relationship that He desperately longs to have with each of us!
A few years ago, while working on a farm, one of my duties was to tend to a couple of goats that were strategically tied in certain areas. If anyone reading this has ever had goats, then you know that a "goat on a rope" is a mess waiting to happen, for they will find every way imaginable to tie themselves up. This one particular goat always found a way to tie herself up on a daily or even hourly basis. One morning I came into work to see her so tied up that she couldn't even lift her head off the ground. I said to myself, "you stupid goat" and commenced trying to untie her, but with every effort, I made to free her from this bondage, she fought me to no end.
This continued for over 30 minutes until I finally was able to free her from her bondage and what did she do but run frantically from me as if I was the one that had caused the whole mess. I was so mad and frustrated that I just had to sit down to catch my breath, and this is where Jesus decided to speak to my heart and said: "Just like you have done for this goat, I do for you. I free you from that which binds you, only for you to turn and run from me." I was overwhelmed with the conviction of the Holy Spirit and began to weep, all the while pleading for forgiveness.
I tell this story now as I have finally come to an understanding of what Jesus was trying to say to me back then. He was telling me that if I would just "lay my life down" at His feet and give him complete control over all my circumstances, whether good or bad, He would be faithful to lead me right where He wants me to be. The simplicity of giving everything to Jesus is so inherently complicated for us to understand in our flesh. This is where our faith comes in, though we may not be able to comprehend God's ability to direct our paths fully, we have to set the fleshly mindset aside and step out on faith, ultimately trusting that He has already ordered our steps before us.
So I issue the challenge to give over every aspect of your life to Jesus, "laying your life down" for His purpose and direction in your life. Stepping out on faith alone and seeking to delve deeper into that personal relationship with Him.
If you plant in the field of your natural desires, from it, you will gather the harvest of death; if you plant in the field of the Spirit, from the Spirit you will gather the harvest of eternal life. (Galatians 6:8 GNT)
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God's throne. (Hebrews 12:2 GNT)
I tell this story now as I have finally come to an understanding of what Jesus was trying to say to me back then. He was telling me that if I would just "lay my life down" at His feet and give him complete control over all my circumstances, whether good or bad, He would be faithful to lead me right where He wants me to be. The simplicity of giving everything to Jesus is so inherently complicated for us to understand in our flesh. This is where our faith comes in, though we may not be able to comprehend God's ability to direct our paths fully, we have to set the fleshly mindset aside and step out on faith, ultimately trusting that He has already ordered our steps before us.
So I issue the challenge to give over every aspect of your life to Jesus, "laying your life down" for His purpose and direction in your life. Stepping out on faith alone and seeking to delve deeper into that personal relationship with Him.
If you plant in the field of your natural desires, from it, you will gather the harvest of death; if you plant in the field of the Spirit, from the Spirit you will gather the harvest of eternal life. (Galatians 6:8 GNT)
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross! On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God's throne. (Hebrews 12:2 GNT)
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